
3050 4 batoh tatra t3

The T3 by Tatra, the true lady of the rails.

Code: 3050/TMA
1718 5 batoh bardotka

“Bardotka”, “Berta” or “Zamračená” (Frowny) – it depends on your imagination, what comes to mind when looking at the face of this locomotive. It is one of the most popular...

Code: 1718/TMA
2111 batoh orchestrion

M152 railcar, which was renamed in 1988 to Class 810. Vehicle of many contradictions. Popular and cursed at the same time. Vehicle of many nicknames such as “Skleník”...

Code: 2111/TMA
2331 batoh sergej

This locomotive, nicknamed Sergej in the Czech Republic, Taigatrommel in Germany and Gagarin in Poland, is powerful, loved, hated and damn noisy. A guide and reflection of our...

Code: 2331/TMA
batoh gorlitzer

A legendary diesel express train from the GDR era, nicknamed either the Görlitzer or the Dolphine, sometimes also Vindobona.

Code: 3029/TMA
2147 5 batoh taurus

Taurus - the only bull that can play the saxophone!

Code: 2147/TMA
3057 batoh ice

Let's celebrate the snow-white ICE trains.

Code: 3057/TMA
2105 5 batoh vectron

Vectron – sleek German elegance and European bestseller.

Code: 2105/ANT
8 items total