Kids T-Shirts

2 bayerische panske triko modre

S 3/6 3673 aka the "Bayerische".

Code: 4176/TMA/S
2 baureihe triko panske tmave modra

They were the first high-speed locomotives since 1925 in accordance with the "standardisation programme" of the newly founded Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft DRG and...

Code: 4146/TMA/S
trans europ panske modre

Towards the end of the 1950s, new high-speed motor units with speeds of 140-160 km/h were needed for the planned international long-distance transport (Trans Europ Express) in...

Code: 4122/TMA/S
babelsbergerin triko panske modre

In the type plan of the locomotives of the German Reichs-Railway of the GDR, a new diesel locomotive was needed for passenger and freight traffic on the main lines from the late...

Code: 4098/TMA/S
singrovka panske triko cervene

Do you know what an airship and a duck have in common? Well, a sewing machine - a Singrovka!

Code: 3892/TMA/S
locomotion panske modre

LOCOMOTION - the mother of all locomotives.

Code: 3838/TMA/S
traxx panske modre

Traxx. French-Canadian "bomber" with German blood.

Code: 3796/TMA/S
3549 1 cmelak panske triko cerne

Almost 8,000 locomotives traversing the rails of half the planet - that's a real bumblebee (Čmelák in Czech).

Code: 3555/TMA/S
3528 3 cuba panske triko modre

One small rail element, which literally controls the movement. Čuba!

Code: 3540/TMA/XS
Children's T-shirt PAPOUŠEK

Like any good pirate, a lover of steam engines wears a Parrot!

Code: 2918/XS

Wear the traditional railway semaphore!

Code: 2672/TMA/XS
Children's T-shirt PANTOGRAF

One calls it the Pantak, another one the Tornado. Just one crate, two different power sources.

Code: 2385/TMA/S
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