Men's T-Shirts, Page 2

Men's T-Shirt ICE

Let's celebrate the snow-white ICE trains.

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Code: 2018/S
Men's T-shirt BÉČKO

Also known as the B, leather or jaundice.

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Code: 1808/GRN/S
Men's T-shirt URBINO

It's small, it's striped and it drives around Prague, what is it?

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Code: 1739/GRE/S
Men's T-shirt KAROSA

Who wouldn't love the bending bus?

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Code: 1772/BOR/S
Men's T-shirt RTO

Frame-Trambus-Passenger (in Czech: Rámový Trambusový Osobní) - three words defining the name of an iconic bus legend. The RTO.

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Code: 1685/BOR/S
Men's T-shirt PLECHÁČ

Plecháč (tin man), that's an alternation with the scent of the south.

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Code: 1655/TMA/S
2 KT8D5 triko panske piskova

KT8D5 - the "ducks" of Czechoslovak tramway ponds.

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Code: 1442/BEI/S
Men's T-shirt  T1 tram

Tatra T1 - the first Tatra with American roots.

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Code: 1385/BEI/S
panske honza

The Ringhoffer tram, the Art Nouveau star of film screens.

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Code: 1361/BEI/S
panske detske front1406

Paternoster - an elevator with a character.

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Code: 1406/TMA/S
slechticna produkt

Šlechtična - no more words needed.

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Code: 1310/BLK/S
2taurus panske detske modre

Taurus - the only bull that can play the saxophone!

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Code: 1214/TMA/S
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